AgileBox Cloud 1.1.40-AC Release: Support Planning Poker Custom Deck Images | January 2024

AgileBox Cloud 1.1.40-AC Release Support Planning Poker Custom Deck Images January 2024

We are excited to announce the launch of the latest version 1.1.40-AC on the Atlassian Marketplace. AgileBox has consistently played a pivotal role in streamlining project management processes, and this new version is set to refine further and improve the Agile management experience, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

Prepare for an exciting journey as we unveil AgileBox’s latest features in this release! Join us to explore what’s new and how it can transform your experience.

New features

  • Support planning poker custom deck images by AgileBox app admin: This new feature allows Admins to easily customize their card decks, not only the card value but also the card visual
Support planning poker custom deck images by AgileBox app admin
  • New AgileBox App Administrator permission: The App Admin has full permission to view and edit all settings. It is possible to have many app admins.
New AgileBox App Administrator permission
  • Fibonacci deck cards setting for Admin: App admin can modify the Fibo deck visibility by changing the card images from the templates or uploading images.
Fibonacci deck cards setting for Admin


  • Retrospective meetings:
    • Support for multi-user drag and drop in the GROUP stage
    • Skipping GROUP stage
    • Assign non-participant users to the action list
    • Show column information for reflection cards
  • Estimating issue of Epics type in Planning Poker
  • Support images by template for custom deck setting
  • Improve loading issues performance

Bug fixes

  • End counting down when users change the tab
  • Minor bug fixes in Planning Poker/Retrospectives/Daily Standup

Final Words

Let’s explore and adopt this new version of AgileBox. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping future updates and ensuring the tool continues to meet the evolving needs of Agile teams. Share your experiences and suggestions to help further us enhance Agile management in Jira.


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