Features JP

Toolbox for Agile development teams to plan and collaborate on developing tasks. AgileBox makes the entire Agile process seamless, simple, fun, colorful, and productive with its interesting features.

Planning poker for Jira
  • Game dashboard
  • Flexible query to select stories
  • Fibonacci, T-shirt and custom decks
  • Great user experience with drag & drop, inline edit, etc
  • Seamless, simple, fun, colorful, productive remote Agile Retrospective sessions.
  • Reflect with your team about the good the bad and the ugly.
  • Vote on the ideas, encourage discussion and keep your team engaged.
Agile Retrospectives AgileBox
Daily Standup for Jira by AgileBox
  • Automate your daily standup, keep all the meeting records for future reference.
  • Team daily report, keep team on the same page literally.
  • Team health analysis, team happiness index.

Boost your team work with AgileBox

Make the entire Agile process seamless, simple, fun, colorful, and productive.


A powerful and fun way to improve planning and estimation ceremonies for remote teams


Online retrospective meeting tool continuous improvement for remote teams. Support all popular retrospective templates


The daily team report ensures everyone is on the same page

AgileBox with your team


This app offers additional security, reliability, and support through

Cloud security participation

Reliability checks

24hr support response time and more

Need help? Please create ticket in our Support Desk
